UHF RFID sensors use cases
sensors can be used in
Building/Structure health Agriculture Predictive maintenance Food Quality Control Logistic Automotive

Typical application

Problem to solve :

Challenges ensuring food safety and meeting FSMA 204 requirements
– Significant losses due to temperature-related spoilage and waste
Lack of real-time visibility into temperature conditions throughout the cold chain
Inefficient and costly manual temperature checks and data logging

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

Ensure food freshness and safety by proactively monitoring temperature
Gain real-time insights into temperature conditions throughout the supply chain
Automate cold chain monitoring to reduce waste, improve efficiency, and enhance compliance

UHF RFID Sensors for building structure

Problem to solve :

– Detect changes in civil engineering structure, ground, buildings…
– Perform real-time, permanent or occasional controls
– Combine both environmental and structural measurements

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Embeded strain sensors into the structure with no battery nor maintenance
– Can monitor hundreds of items simultaneously (fixed / handheld / drone readers)
– Can fit in harsh environments (heat, moisture, metal…)

UHF RFID Sensors for agriculture

Problem to solve :

– Adapt watering conditions based on real-time humidity reports
– Optimize water supply based on real needs

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Using RAIN RFID humidity or moisture sensors
– Low cost tags allow local monitoring solution on each item (e.g. sensor strap)
– Can monitor hundreds of items simultaneously (fix / handheld / drone readers / tractor)

UHF RFID Sensors for predictive maintenance

Problem to solve :

– Anticipate wear or breakdowns
– Enable maintenance technicians to focus on key issues
– Generate huge amount of data to build predictive models

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Use RAIN RFID sensor tags to measure T°, vibrations, strain, voltage, contact…
– Can fit in harsh environments (heat, moisture, metal…) and rotating machines

Problem to solve :

– Accurately track perishable product expiry date and curent quality
– Detect deviations or toxic compounds in your products, liquid or solid
– Analyse ambiant atmosphere to detect potential spoilag

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Use on- or off-chip chemical sensor
– Can monitor individual items or pallet

UHF RFID Sensors for Logistic

Problem to solve :

– Track supplies fill ratio
– Generate alerts for replenishment
– Minimize assembly line downtime

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Use a passive weigh scale using RFID strain sensors
– Permanently monitor supplies level
– Applies to small objects (nuts, bolts, screws, nails) and liquids (paint, oil, …)

UHF RFID Sensors for automotive

Problem to solve :

– Tracking individual tyre from manufacturing to recycling
– Prevent tyre from deformation and puncture when deflating

How is Rain RFID sensor helping ?

– Use T°/strain sensor to alert when overheating and deflation
– Tag is embedded into each tyre at vulcanization phase

How it works

UHF RFID Sensors final solution
UHF RFID strain sensor

Strain application

UHF RFID temperature sensor

Temperature application

UHF RFID humidity sensor

Humidity application

UHF RFID sensor - motion sensor

Position application

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