External sensor with Resistive Analog Interface.
AS3212 is an EPCTM Class-1 Generation-2 compliant IC for UHF RFID applications. The chip offers advanced performance in sensor acquisition mode, due to an ultra-low power internal acquisition channel. It can be powered either by a battery or by the RF energy transmitted from a reader. In a Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) configuration, the AS3212 offers an increased reading range compared to passive RFID solutions.
Raw dimensions : 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.254 mm
Temperature sensor :
Temperature Range : -40°C to 125°C
Accuracy : 2°C
Precision : 0.35°C
Resistive analog interface :
Configurable Gain : 1,2,10,20
Differential or Single Ended Interface
Wheatstone Full Bridge or Half bridge mode available
Offset Compensation Embedded
Minimum Sensor Resistance : 500 Ohms